Adela Van Name

“We moved to Chapel Hill 16 years ago with three school-age children, two typically developing children, and one special needs child. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a long and interesting relationship with the CHCCS school district and their board members.

Special Education advocacy soon became my passion, and I had the distinct pleasure of working with the Board of Education and CHCCS staff on many different projects. From that initial start, Jamezetta Bedford became a lighthouse of inspiration for me. She never wavered on her through line of advocating for all students to access the best education services that Chapel Hill could provide, regardless of their circumstances.

Jamezetta gave 100 percent to her work with the school district and the community at large. In my opinion, it is her recognition of the importance of partnering with other agencies, her understanding of how every organization directly impacts and contributes to the complex needs of a vibrant and diverse community that sets her apart from others.

Jamezetta understands the balance of politics, budgets and the need for transparency. Her ability to make fair but tough decisions, and her talent with accounting and finance along with her integrity and commitment make her a perfect candidate for a county commissioner role. We would be lucky to have someone of her caliber working for the entire county.” – ADELA VAN NAME

